Atomas Wiki
Atomas Wiki

The periodic table of Atomas's elements, also including fake elements and special atoms.

Previously, only 46 elements were available, chosen to be some of the most "recognizable." 45 of these were real elements, and the last was made-up and called "Bananium."

All elements are now available in game, along with several fake elements. This change was made with the introduction of Full Alchemist mode (which was later changed to Zen mode).

Atom Guide[]

Periodic Table of Atomas Elements

Periodic Table of Atomas Elements


The atoms from Helium H(1) to Oganesson (or Unnuoctinium Uue(118)) Og(118) are real elements. The elements Bn(119) - ()(125) are made-up elements created specifically for the Atomas game. Also, there's nonsense elements Od(126)-???(?):

  • Bananium Bn(119) is an atom, that references bananas.
  • GravityBlockium Gb(120) is a reference to the game Gravity Blocks X, made by the creator of Atomas.
  • BreakingBadium Bb(121) is a reference to the Breaking Bad series.
  • 314159265359 Pi(122) represents 12 first digits of the number pi. This element used to be named Timerunnerium Tr(122), referencing Time Runner.
  • Sirnicanium Sir(123) is derived from the nickname of the author of the game Sirnic. The theory of the origin of this word is that it comes from Sirnica [SEE-R-NEE-KA] - a sort of quark pancakes popular in Slavic countries.
  • Earthium Ea(124) is a reference to the planet Earth.
  • Unknown ()(125) is an element without a symbol - that makes it mysterious.
  • Oddballsium Od(126) is a reference to the TV series Oddballs.
  • 16180339887 Phi(127) represents 12 first digits of the number phi.
  • Orangium Or(128) is an atom with oranges and reffering them.
  • Newtoniusan Nw(129) is an atom that references Isaac newton.

When you combine two of the last atoms in the periodic table - two Unknowns ()(125), it results in Hydrogen 1 H1(126), the first atom with the number "1" after its name. After ()(125) the periodic table repeats itself with all atoms having number "1" at the end of their name (see below for details on a bug). After ending the "1" cycle, the elements repeat again with number "2" etc.

Before the Geneva Update atoms Bn(119) - ()(125) had colors of the rainbow.

List of elements in the current game[]

The first cycle of the periodic table.[]

No. Sym. Name Color
1 H Hydrogen #63b9d5
2 He Helium #d1c991
3 Li Lithium #4c6168
4 Be Beryllium #c8c8c8
5 B Boron #7d5353
6 C Carbon #3b3b3b
7 N Nitrogen #2cc6b2
8 O Oxygen #6fec98
9 F Fluorine #ecc46f
10 Ne Neon #be0086
11 Na Sodium #e69d7a
12 Mg Magnesium #9e80ea
13 Al Aluminum #797979
14 Si Silicon #4a4070
15 P Phosphorus #d7463f
16 S Sulfur #375e7c
17 Cl Chlorine #6d1d7b
18 Ar Argon #9a3da5
19 K Potassium #4d8946
20 Ca Calcium #f0f0f0
21 Sc Scandium #5fbb77
22 Ti Titanium #5a5a5a
23 V Vanadium #5f9ebb
24 Cr Chromium #a488b5
25 Mn Manganese #dc4a4a
26 Fe Iron #ab967d
27 Co Cobalt #4371e6
28 Ni Nickel #bac395
29 Cu Copper #b95739
30 Zn Zinc #b4b4b4
31 Ga Gallium #39b975
32 Ge Germanium #979273
33 As Arsenic #738498
34 Se Selenium #424242
35 Br Bromine #d4753c
36 Kr Krypton #3ca0d4
37 Rb Rubidium #d22c1f
38 Sr Strontium #ff9d29
39 Y Yttrium #b129ff
40 Zr Zirconium #d6e43a
41 Nb Niobium #75dceb
42 Mo Molybdenum #8ba38c
43 Tc Technetium #eea1e2
44 Ru Ruthenium #563e32
45 Rh Rhodium #88d17a
46 Pd Palladium #9eabbe
47 Ag Silver #dcdcdc
48 Cd Cadmium #5560c8
49 In Indium #408d3c
50 Sn Tin #b5a47c
51 Sb Antimony #c6598c
52 Te Tellurium #827498
53 I Iodine #ff00fc
54 Xe Xenon #7888ff
55 Cs Cesium #ffd478
56 Ba Barium #e99c9c
57 La Lanthanum #8bdbbe
58 Ce Cerium #ff9329
59 Pr Praseodymium #56e019
60 Nd Neodymium #65898d
61 Pm Promethium #2ee99b
62 Sm Samarium #bd6475
63 Eu Europium #6c64bd
64 Gd Gadolinium #6e1289
65 Tb Terbium #359c50
66 Dy Dysprosium #447ee7
67 Ho Holmium #e77d46
68 Er Erbium #bf4987
69 Tm Thulium #21426b
70 Yb Ytterbium #878750
71 Lu Lutetium #d12c2c
72 Hf Hafnium #91d12c
73 Ta Tantalum #7f87af
74 W Tungsten #2b6aa5
75 Re Rhenium #512f2f
76 Os Osmium #307060
77 Ir Iridium #c9876a
78 Pt Platinum #505008
79 Au Gold #edc474
80 Hg Mercury #80a5ac
81 Tl Thallium #ac8089
82 Pb Lead #3c7c66
83 Bi Bismuth #ff0506
84 Po Polonium #ffff00
85 At Astatine #00ff00
86 Rn Radon #dae83a
87 Fr Francium #ff6c00
88 Ra Radium #00ffff
89 Ac Actinium #424918
90 Th Thorium #aa3d82
91 Pa Protactinium #3daa82
92 U Uranium #9cff00
93 Np Neptunium #00aeff
94 Pu Plutonium #ff9000
95 Am Americium #813349
96 Cm Curium #ff79d0
97 Bk Berkelium #ae877e
98 Cf Californium #8f3cb4
99 Es Einsteinium #86c4dc
100 Fm Fermium #bfdc86
101 Md Mendelevium #dc8686
102 No Nobelium #ffd965
103 Lr Lawrencium #5c24a0
104 Rf Rutherfordium #6b6675
105 Db Dubnium #b05032
106 Sg Seaborgium #254987
107 Bh Bohrium #9bafa0
108 Hs Hassium #ff562d
109 Mt Meitnerium #cdcd2c
110 Ds Darmstadtium #3a7e48
111 Rg Roentgenium #0000ff
112 Cn Copernicium #aa4594
113 Nh Nihonium #8f8f8f
114 Fl Flerovium #2eede6
115 Mc Moscovium #beaf64
116 Lv Livermorium #f22e6a
117 Ts Tennessine #70ea78
118 Og Oganesson #ff00b9
119 Bn Bananium #ede674
120 Gb GravityBlockium #3de6c3
121 Bb BreakingBadium #309141
122 Pi 314159265359 #4dc8e6
123 Sir Sirnicanium #ff0000
124 Ea Earthium #1177f5
125 ? (Unknown) #ffffff

*Timerunnerium Tr(122), now is sadly no longer in the game which I really like: Atomas.

**It's not in the game (yet)

Bug with the second cycle of the periodic table: 1.6180339887[]

Unknown 2

There is a bug, which messes up the names of two atoms at the end of the second cycle ("1") of the periodic table, but does not change the names of the third cycle ("2"). Earthium 1 Ea1(249) appears as Earthium2 Ea2(249) and Unknown 1 ()(250) appears as Unknown 2 2(250):

No. Sym. Name Color
247 Pi1 314159265359 1 #4dc8e6
248 Sir1 Sirnicanium 1 #ff0000
249 Ea2 Earthium 2 #1177f5
250 2 I forgot now 2(Unknown 2) #ffffff
251 H2 Hydrogen 2 #63b9d5
252 He2 Helium 2 #d1c991

List of Atoms before the Geneva Update (Old)[]

List of the first cycle of the periodic table.[]

Atomas and Time Attack
No Name No Name No Name
1 Hydrogen 16 Sulfur 31 Arsenic
2 Helium 17 Chlorine 32 Selenium
3 Lithium 18 Argon 33 Bromine
4 Beryllium 19 Potassium 34 Krypton
5 Boron 20 Calcium 35 Silver
6 Carbon 21 Titanium 36 Platinum
7 Nitrogen 22 Chromium 37 Gold
8 Oxygen 23 Manganese 38 Mercury
9 Fluorine 24 Iron 39 Thallium
10 Neon 25 Cobalt 40 Lead
11 Sodium 26 Nickel 41 Radon
12 Magnesium 27 Copper 42 Roentgenium
13 Aluminum 28 Zinc 43 Copernicium
14 Silicon 29 Gallium 44 Flerovium
15 Phosphorous 30 Germanium 45 Livermorium
46 Bananium

Bug with the second cycle of the periodic table.[]

There was a glitch, which made the Atom after the last one in the periodic table (Bananium Bn(46)) not Hydrogen 1 H1(126), but Helium 1 He1(127). The glitch was fixed in the Geneva Update.

Gameplay video[]


Darmstadtium 110 (Ds 110) Atomas Full Alchemist Gameplay-1
